
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
S2E4 - Indie Author Trish Heinrich
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Hello Everyone! Yes, Game on Girl is back! This month I have a great interview with Indie Author, Trish Heinrich.
About Trish
Trish is an indie author I had the pleasure of being on a panel with at last year's Geek Girl Con. During our Geeky Moms panel, it was clear that Trish was articulate, engaging, and thoughtful person. I had no idea she was also a "WoW Head" and a serious gamer.
We have a great conversation talking about her evolution into being a superhero writer. We also talk about our love of all things Wonder Woman and an aversion we both have to reading comic books.
So give it a listen and let us know what you think!
Support an Indie Author
You can order the first book in Trish's Vigilante's series right now for .99 cents! Go here and order today! Remember: The best gift you can give an indie author is a review!
Her new book series comes out on February 15th and pre-orders start at the end of January. Subscribe to her site for regular updates.
New Logo
In case you didn't notice, Game on Girl has a new logo. Many thanks to Kaytalin Platt McCarry for the design. Her work should be familiar since she is the designer behind The Geek Embassy logo as well.
To Discuss
What was your first geekdom? How do your geeky passions influence other work in your life? Let me know on the TGE Twitter - @thegeekembassy!
Until next time, game on!

Monday Sep 17, 2018
S2E3 - Jaimie Cordero from Espionage Cosmetics
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Greetings Geeks and welcome to another episode of Game on Girl!
My apologies for the lag in episode releases for Game on Girl. I came back with the best of intentions for monthly content on our podcast feed but as my favorite poet says, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." That's certainly how the last few months have gone for me.
But I am back with a fantastic LIVE episode interviewing Jaimie Cordero from Espionage Cosmetics. We met up at Rose City Comic Con on September 8th. I attended Jaimie's panel, Level Up: Be a Nerd Boss on Friday of the con. Hearing her speak on the panel left me with many of the questions you hear in the interview. Of particular note is the way that Jaimie runs much of her business like she would run a raid in the glory days of WoW and the Burning Crusade (B.C.) expansion.
Recording Live
Live episodes present their own challenges and this one is no exception. I was able to edit out some of the background noise and the interruptions we faced but the recording is still a bit rough. Thankfully, you can hear Jaimie and that's the important part. She shares a truly personal story with us, one she admits she doesn't share often and leaves us with such a great message. I am so thankful that she agreed to the interview. It was beyond the highlight of the con for me.
Espionage Swag
I was able to get some pretty cool stuff that just happened to be out of stock (!) on the site at the time. One of my favorite moments of this interview wasn't recorded. When I sat down, Jaimie took one look at my nerd wrapped nails and said, "Oh you're an OG fangirl." I showed off my nails and she said, "I've been involved in every nail wrap run we've done for the company and I can tell you those wraps are five years old! It's great to see they still hold up!"
And hold up they did. I wore the classic "Chainmail" wraps all weekend.
To Discuss
What is your best networking advice? What's a difficult moment you've had in your life that shaped a big decision? Let me know on Twitter @doclizz.
Until next time, game on!

Tuesday May 15, 2018
GoG S2E2 — Matisse Fletcher from Living Computers
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Greetings, Geeks!
Welcome back to season two of Game on Girl! I have an amazing interview this week with Matisse Fletcher from the Living Computers Museum + Labs in Seattle, Washington. Matisse shares with us her journey to becoming an event planner for the museum and talks about what it's like to have a job that combines a variety of skills in the most unique way. She shares a bit about her process as an event planner and how important it is to create art in living spaces.
Matisse is a published author having written a children's book about the museum. Ada and the Living Computers is available at the museum or you can email Matisse to get a copy. The museum has a unique mission to empower through preservation and nostalgia. Listen to hear Matisse tell us how that plays out in her event planning fantasies.
About Living Computers
Living Computers: Museum + Labs provides a one-of-a-kind, hands-on experience with computer technology from the 1960s to the present. LCM+L honors the history of computing with the world’s largest collection of fully restored — and usable — supercomputers, mainframes, minicomputers, and microcomputers. A new main gallery offers direct experiences with robotics, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, big data, the Internet of Things, video-game making, and digital art.
To Discuss
What was your first fandom? What is your first memory of using gaming or computer technology? Tell us in the comments!
Until next time, game on!

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
GoG S2E1 – Nananea Returns!
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Welcome to Game on Girl!
Nananea returns in the first episode of season 2 of my original podcast. For this episode, we chat with Nananea about what she's been up to in the five years since we originally had her on the show. She shares her experiences as a community manager for Robot Entertainment and her story about working her way into the game industry. We also talk in-depth about a pretty significant personal announcement she made a few months ago. She shares her experience with us and describes the joy of knowing she has a truly supportive community around her. I must admit, it was a very moving discussion.
Check out her Patreon and subscribe to her Twitch and YouTube channels.
The Gamer Types
In the second segment of the show, I talk with the content manager for The Geek Embassy, Isabela. In bringing back Game on Girl, I realized just how long it has been since I talked about the Gamer Types from my dissertation. I grill Izzie (nicely!) about what she remembers about the types and introduce a NEW gamer type that I am adding to the mix. Keep an eye out for an article detailing each Gamer Type and my modifications soon.
To Discuss
What is your biggest motivation for gaming? To escape? To connect? Let us know in the comments!
Until next time, game on!
Don't miss the latest from TGE: The Geek Embassy Watches - Ready Player One!

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Game on Girl is Back!
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Hello Everyone. This is Regina from The Geek Embassy.
If you’ve been a fan of the podcast for anytime you know we’ve gone through some changes in the past few years. We started out as the Game on Girl podcast and then expanded to become The Geek Embassy.
Along with the expansion of the site much of our podcast content changed. The Geek Embassy looks at pop culture in a much broader and more topical way, talking about recently released TV shows and movies, books we find interesting, and a Pathfinder campaign written by one of our ambassadors. It’s great content, fun and engaging, but definitely different from where I started on my podcasting journey.
What we haven’t done a lot of lately are interviews and honestly, I’ve been missing that part of podcasting. Really, it was talking about gender and gaming that got me started podcasting in the first place.
So I’ve decided to bring Game on Girl back and to start hosting interviews again. In an effort to prioritize quality over quantity, and to maintain some of my sanity, I will be doing interviews once a month.
But don’t worry! The Geek Embassy will still be doing regular episodes of Watches, Reads, and Plays on its very own podcast feed. You can Check it out at https://thegeekembassy.podbean.com/
This feed will go back to what it started as, Game on Girl: Conversations about Gaming and this podcast will become part of The Geek Embassy podcast network.
So stay tuned for more great gender and gaming content!
And until next time, game on!

Friday Aug 05, 2016
LIVE with Evan Graham and Tantalus Depths
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Friday Aug 05, 2016
As I hope you all know by now, I recently joined a new community of writers trying to get their books published: Inkshares. I jumped into a contest for the Nerdist for books about video games and found myself in a strange new land surrounded by strange new customs. Every heroine needs a guide as she begins her journey and Evan Graham was my guide. He introduced me to this strange land and introduced me to the powerful community could be made there.
About Tantalus Depths
But this post isn't about me or my book, it's about Evan and his amazing novel, Tantalus Depths. This novel tells the story of Mary Ketch who is leading a survey mission deep into space.
The Diamelen’s survey mission to Tantalus 13 takes an unexpected turn when the entire planet turns out to be an ancient artificial structure. What lies in the heart of Tantalus? And why is the crew’s AI, SCARAB, willing to kill to keep its secret?
Filled with adventure, exploration, tension among the crew, and dangerous artificial intelligence, this story has all the components to a great work of science fiction. On top of that, the lead character is a female pilot who is not afraid to kick ass and take names.
We discuss the writing process, running a crowdfunding campaign, and talk about some of Evan's influences while he was writing. He mentions 2001 and Star Wars as huge influences and then I compare him both to Joss Whedon and J.R.R. Tolkien. Let's just say we had a good time.
Please make sure to support Evan's campaign. He's in the homestretch to reaching full publishing on Inkshares and I cannot think of another Inkshares author who deserves it more. Go forth, Geeks, and help support one of our own in making his book a reality.
Where to Find Out More

Friday Mar 11, 2016
Episode 154 - February 2016 LIVE Hangout
Friday Mar 11, 2016
Friday Mar 11, 2016
Greetings Geeks!
Here is our latest hangout as a podcast episode. We had a great time hanging out and talking about recent movies, and TV shows, and our favorite geek couples. There are some pretty great offerings throughout the show. Let us know what you think in the comments!
Keep an eye on this space. I can't give too much away right now but a lot of changes will be happening here at Game on Girl. That's why you haven't heard much from us recently... there is lots and lots of activity happening behind the scenes. I'll just say these are some BIG changes and ones we are all VERY excited about.
If you want to hear us talk a little bit more about what's happening, check out the latest episode of StudioFUBAR where Rhonda and I chat with Frank, Matt, and Pete about our plans and a bunch of other geeky stuff.
Until soon, geeks.
Regina & Rhonda, & Mark & Isabela & Ryan

Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Episode 153 - Farewell 2015 LIVE Hangout
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Hey Geeks,
My apologies that I am posting this episode so late. I was out of town for most of January and living with very limited DSL... the kind where it is impossible to stream anything or have two computers working online at once. I don't think I have ever been so frustrated in my entire life! So if you even have to guess, I am that person who turns into a monster when the internet is slow.
So I am just getting our January hangout posted as a podcast episode. We had a great time talking about our favorite geek moments from 2015 and we spent a great deal of time talking about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. There are spoilers galore and a pretty heated discussion (on my part!) about trolls who post spoilers on purpose. Some people suck!
As always, we would love to hear from you about your favorite geek moments of 2015. What was a highlight? Our next hangout is scheduled for February 21st at 2pm Pacific. We would love to have you hang with us or send us topics you would like us to discuss.
As a teaser, look for some changes coming up in the very near future with the site....
Until next time, game on!

Wednesday Nov 25, 2015
Episode 152 - November LIVE Hangout
Wednesday Nov 25, 2015
Wednesday Nov 25, 2015
Hey Everyone,
Just in time for your U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, we have a new episode and a new hangout to share. For our November hangout, we reunited The Secret Geek Shame and talked about our favorite and not-so-favorite new and returning TV shows and games. Lots of time spent discussing the latest with The Big Bang Theory and Fallout 4. There was some discussion between Rhonda and Ryan about some sportsing events which adds a whole new level of gaming to Game on Girl.
As always, we love to hear from our viewers and fans. If you have a topic you would like us to discuss at our year end hangout on Sunday, December 27th at 2pm Pacific, let us know in the comments here. We all have some words we would like to share with 2015 (aside from the many Rhonda already shared here). Come hang as we drink a fond farewall to this heartwrenching year.
Until next time, game on!
Regina, Rhonda, Mark, and Ryan

Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Episode 151 - October LIVE Hangout - ZOMBIES!
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Hey Everyone!
We had a great time for our October hanging talking about all things undead. We talk about games, movies, TV shows, fast versus slow zombies, and if one of the most famous science fiction creatures is really a zombies. We also chat a bit about whether zombies have had their day and are on the way out. If you haven't read Rhonda's article about that, check it out.
Our next LIVE Hangout will be Sunday, November 15 at 2pm Pacific. We're looking for topic suggestions. Let us know if you have a topic you would like us to tackle.
Until next time, get your zombie on!

Friday Aug 21, 2015
Episode 150: August Hangout
Friday Aug 21, 2015
Friday Aug 21, 2015
In this month's hangout, we took on the theme of our favorite Geekdoms. What is a geekdom, you say? Well, Rhonda asked the same question and I described it as:
Geekdom: A specific subset of a fandom you enjoy.
So I enjoy young adult literature and Harry Potter is one of my Geekdoms within that fandom. It is a geekdombecause I can geek out on all the minor details of the story and the lore, I know and have an opinion on the major arguments between the fans, and I jump at any chance to discuss it.
Watch or listen to the episode to find out mine, Rhonda's, and Isabela's top three favorite geekdoms. I'll give you a hint: some are obvious and others quite surprising. (Rhonda's last one is my favorite!)
What are some of your favorite geekdoms? Where do you put your mose intense geeky energy? Let us know in the comments and we will share your geekdoms during our September hangout!
Until next time, get your geekdom on!
Regina & Rhonda & Isabela

Friday Jul 17, 2015
Episode 149 - July LIVE Hangout
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Hey Everyone!
Here is our latest Google+ Hangout in both audio and video format. You can watch the video or listen to the episode here or on the YouTube page or Podbean feed.
Thanks so much to the handful of you who watched the July Hangout live. We had a full house on air and a great time chatting with each other. Unfortunately, I totally lost the notes from the show so I do not have links this time. You'll just have to watch and listen and let us know what references you need more information about.
Our next Hangout is schedule for Sunday, August 9th at 2pm Pacific.
See you then!
Until next time, game on!
Regina & Rhonda & Mark & Ryan & Isabela & Jerry & Sean

Friday Jun 19, 2015
Episode 148 - June LIVE Hangout
Friday Jun 19, 2015
Friday Jun 19, 2015
Hey Everyone!
For our podcast listeners, the new LIVE Hangout we did on Sunday June 14th is now available as a podcast. If you haven't checked out the YouTube video, don't miss it. We've got some great geeky items that we show off, including a preview of a D&D inspired board game.
Joining us this month are two new writers for the site, Micah Elliot and Sean Blystone. Look for intros and articles from them in the next few weeks.
I've included links to the books, TV shows, and movies we discussed during the hangout. We also did a tribute to Sir Christopher Lee. Your presence will be missed, sir, and your energy never replaced.
Our next hangout will be Sunday, July 12 at 2pm Pacific time! Come hang with us!
Until next time, game on!
Regina & Rhonda & Mark & Micah & Sean

Wednesday May 27, 2015
Episode 147 - May 2015 - Game on Girl LIVE Hangout!
Wednesday May 27, 2015
Wednesday May 27, 2015
Hey Everyone,
If you missed our LIVE Google Hangout on Sunday, May 17, here is the YouTube recording AND an newly uploaded podcast episode for those of you who like to listen to us chat. We had a great time and send out a special thank you to our ONE live viewer.
Please plan to join us for our next LIVE Google Hangout, Sunday, June 14th at 2pm Pacific. We are planning these as monthly events. If there are any topics, games, TV shows, or movies you'd like us to talk about, send us a Tweet or an email at regina@gameongirl.com.
Until next time, game on!
Regina & Rhonda & Mark & Jerry

Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Episode 146 - Emerald City Comic Con LIVE
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Hello Everyone!
Have I got a treat for you! Here is a very special episode of the podcast, recorded LIVE at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, WA March 28th and 29th. Check out the pics and the episode!
I must say, it felt pretty good to be sitting behind that Yeti again. :D
Until next time, game on!
Winter and Arienne from Geek Girl Con
AJ AKA THE MEANER GEEK (We finally met!)
Simone from Pixelkin
Simon and Eliza from Black Hole Wizard and Problem Glyphs
Eric Fell from Critical Hit Show